Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Time Out! :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
My first finish on linen
I love working on linen! However I really need better light to really do anything that would have more detail!
No progress on my HAED this week, only worked on this project. After all my frogs, my son says he wants me to give this to Daddy and make him the one from the same patten sheet that says "Dude" (rolling eyes here).
I need to frame it and it is going on his wall! :)
Without anymore words since I have a huge research paper to do now, here is a picture. If anyone has an idea on what framing supplies to buy, I've been studying Meari's blog (I wont even attempt to link you because my attempts do not seem to work! lol But I'm confused what kind of frame to buy. I know I need the acid free foam board stuff, and the tacky glue, but the frame and that brown paper, I"m not sure where to get.
Oh and by the way I went to my LNS again and bought way too much. They do not sell scraps for small projects. But they did cut me a ton of small pieces for ornaments, they just had on hand a copy of the Just Ornaments magazine that I had left at home, so I picked out a bunch and they cut them for me! But I wish I had some scraps for the little freebies,etc to have on hand. Like now I saw on my ILCS group this beautiful set of doorways that are free. But no fabric and they do not seem like they would take a lot, or the free one many did that said Love, etc etc etc
Maybe I should just buy X amount to have here? And cut it as I need it? But then what color is good for everything? White? Off white??
The choices are endless. And gosh all those finishes on the ornaments. Hint hint someone should post tutorials for finishing ornaments! :)
Okay I said way up I'd quit talking!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Not enough time to stitch!
Here is my progress on my first linen project (I can say first right since I intend not to give up can't I? I did do about 20 stitches on the Paula Vaughn one years ago though! But I think it qualifies to say its my first! :)
Here is my slow progress of Sleepy Spring my HAED, which by the way they are having a huge sale right now and theres several I really really want! However, I know I have enough and my money for stitching should be put to fabric (lots of smalls I want to do and learn to finish!) and floss. Oh by the way I bought some floss from Meari comign to me, lets see if I can put her blog link in correctly! :) Shop here from her stash!
well I can't figure out to make it pretty with only her name (and I did hit the icon for the hyperlink) hmmm.... anyways take a peak! I can't wait to get more floss as I build my floss collection! :)
Here is Sleepy Spring:
Uggg that photo thing!
On to my wreath the bead one! I even took a picture of the back. I really attempted to do a good job on the back, because it can be a pin, however sigh.... I could never give it away as a pin. But I still love it, still have enjoyed stitching on it! I havent started the beads yet (the pattern says to do all cross stitching, but soon I say, soon!
Well that is it for my stitching news! Thanks for looking! Back to those books!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Update and a small start on a small project
But here is my HAED update, Sleepy Spring:
Here is a small project I was gifted by Deborah (I have not figured out how to make this clickable with her name yet... hmmm I need blogger help! lol) anyways at first I thought, "Oh no! I can't do this it has beads!" GASP But I keep seeing all these wonderful smalls created into beautiful finishes and I want to learn how to do those as well! I can't learn if I just let it sit! So anyways this one has good instructions and in the end it can be a pin or a magnet, and the beads do not look too hard, though I have yet to put one on yet as it says to do all the cross stitching first. I'm having fun with this one too! Oh it will be a wreath and its kinda strange material, like plastic sort of, which will allow me to cut out the middle.
Last but someone had asked me what teacher pattern I was going to be doing when I get my order from 123 stitch

OH one more because he is so cute! My 5 year old Jacob! :) (I have to laugh here he is so tan! My daughter has fair fair skin and he's so tan always! Next time I'll snap a picture of her, however she's 12 and it is not so cool now to get your picture taken!)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
One more update!
An update!
Also I found this in my digging around, Ireally thought I had never finished a project. I have come back and forth to the crafting of cross stitching over the years and I was surprised to find this completed project, I just need to frame it. I remember stitching it vaguely now, gosh how the years blend together, I do remember it took me a long time and when I started it my daughters hands were so small and when I finished it, only one hand would fit. Now my baby is 12 years old, so I'm so glad I have this. I have no clue how to finish it since I have no clue what kind of paint I used to do her hand print and I do not want to risk losing her handprint! Any suggestions are welcomed!
Last but not least, I began my first HAED, I did grid it, or started to which has been extreemly helpful even if it was a pain to do that when all I wanted to do was stitch on it! So here is my start on my HAED!